For the last visioning class at CSL Dallas, I was supposed to find a symbol of what visioning means to me. Something that I had right in my own home. I was curious as to what that might look like as I kept my eyes, my mind, my self open to finding that symbol. This picture of Kate opening up to Neisha and learning from Neisha is my symbol of how visioning opens us up to what Spirit can teach us and how Spirit can lead us.
I think that symbol was right here in side of me, just as the dogs have taught me that my success training them is always right within me.
I could write reams about the changes visioning has made for me; I could talk forever about love, and studies, and meditating, and mindfulness, and then start all over again with love, peace, joy, friendship, and healing the past. But when you come right down to it, it is all about opening up and learning more about who you are and what you can do just as Kate opened up to all of us and learned from Neisha and all of us.
An incredible healing of the past is probably the biggest thing that opened to me as a result of visioning. A renewal of lost love; a new relationship where an old one had died. An opening up to all that I can be. A knowing the spiritual truth of the situation and letting that truth come into my life as a spiritual partnership. Things come and go, go and come, and nothing is ever totally new or unforeseen. Nothing is ever over or ever the same again. Life ebbs and flows, life twists and turns, flowing like a slow river, holding us safe, bringing out the meaning, reminding us of who we are. And visioning enables us to see the holy in life, to have the holy play a role in our decisions and plans and in our reviews of our past.
Yes, visioning is going to Spirit or God or whatever you call the universal creative force. It is not about asking for guidance; it is not about pursuing a theme of our own thinking; no, it is none of these things and yet it encompasses all of these. When we vision, we invite Spirit to talk to us, to give us hints of our being, to indicate new ways of being whole, and new adventures to pursue. When we vision, we listen but don't talk. We listen to the silence within us, and we hear Spirit silently without emotion but with great empathy show us about outpicturing fully and completely.
Visioning is my partner in spirituality. I pray; I meditate; I do treatments for myself and others; I live in the moment; I am continually growing spiritually, continually opening up to life, to being here now and forever past and present and future. I blend with the stream that is spirit; I roll with the waves on my spiritual water ways. I look for nothing and find everything. I am silent and let spirit make the noise. In life, I am a spiritual being having a human experience. In visioning, I am a spiritual being have a spiritual experience, learning more about who I am, what I am, where I am, and how I am.
It is all good, and it is very silent. Very warm, enfolding, unfolding, peaceful, loving, abundant, healthy, strong, and more words than I can bring together in one place at one time.
But Spirit is not about words. Spirit is silent and I listen with my inner ears, my inner self, my own inner part of spirit for messages that help me make my way along with my own spiritual path, a path that is deep within spirit and which I can find only within myself, listening to spirit, harvesting words, pictures, sounds, smells, feelings, tastes, all the things that make me human; all the things that make me mammalian, knowing that all comes from Source and all is deeply spiritual.
I walk in spirit; I think in spirit; I sit in spirit. there is nothing I can do to be separated from spirit. Just as there is no place where God is not, with visioning, there is no place where I am ever alone, no need to find my own way, no need to feel lost or abandoned. No one can ever be lost except in their own mind when they think their connection has weakened and faded. Can we do that? We can certainly feel as though that has happened when we let go of our connection, ignore the inner voice that gives us plentiful directions and suggestions; refuse to listen, refuse to hear what we know we are hearing.
We are but part of Spirit. We are Spirit trying out new things in a new life; We are Spirit trying out a new piece of clothing. we are Spirit trying out a new way of thinging and a new way of being human. We are Spirit being Spirit and having fun being Spirit. What more could we ask for? We can ask to be aware of what we hear and through visioning, we can do that and we can learn whatever we need to know for the next step and the next to infinity. If we give Spirit our attention in this happening, we can learn and experience Spirit's universal life.
To learn more about visioning: see Michael Beckwith: Lifevisioning (DVD set)which is available on Amazon and see The Visioning Tool Kit by Rai Jordan, RScP : you learn more about this kit at http://www.highervisioncenter.org/index.html
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