The 2010 Airedale Quilt is finished, and along with two bonus quilts, the winners will be announced at the annual Montgomery County specialty show on October 10. To see the quilts, please go to http://www.airedalerescue.net/alphabet/a_is_for_airedale/ -- when you go to this page, click on each square in the big quilt, and you can read about the people who made the blocks and the bonus quilts and all the people who make the quilt project possible.
The illustrations here on the blog are two squares -- the D and the P -- from A Is For Airedale, the main quilt this year, and a section of the bonus quilt made by Airedale friends in Australia.
The 2010 Airedale Quilt is now history, and the rescued Airedales are benefiting from it. Discussions are underway for the 2011 quilt.